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Watts Beauty Advanced Skin Care Goes Beyond the Surface

Who We Are

Watts Beauty was founded in 2005 by 2 medical professionals, Terri & Lily. Although complete opposites, we were connected by our passion for helping others. After decades, we embraced a new challenge to boost team confidence by finding solutions for the surface side effects of the dry skin and puffy eyes of the team due to the extremely long hours and constant hand washing demanded of critical care professionals. Little did we know that we were starting much more than a skin care company. Our inner - outer beauty approach by combining effective, plant based skin care along with sponsoring programs that educate & empower survivors of domestic violence equals a skin care company that goes beyond the surface in providing strong women with the confidence and self worth that they need to see their own inner beauty beam of light to shine onto others. "Without a beaming light of inner beauty, it doesn't really matter how great your skin looks in the dark" quoted by Terri Watts (Founder & Domestic Violence Survivor)






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Becoming a brand ambassador for Watts Beauty allows you to host giveaways of both individual products and gift sets worth up to $250.00. This program requires us to review your social channel accounts. Once reviewed, we supply the images of the giveaways, you post and get people to share, comment or like and then simply tell us where to ship the item once you have chosen a recipient. To apply to become a brand ambassador, please fill in form below. We look forward to working with you.


If you have already received your unique referral code to share, then you were pre-approved following a search by our partner relations team. We love to align with companies and individuals with similar passions in helping others.